Researching Latvian Diaspora Through Texts and the Digital Environment

Briefly about the project

Latvian state acknowledged the role of the Latvian diaspora by developing its policy of diaspora and formally adopting the Law of Diaspora in 2018. It defines the Latvian diaspora as Latvian citizens and their family members living abroad and staying in touch with Latvia.  This law aims to strengthen the diaspora Latvian identity and its integral belonging to Latvian society. 

According to the data of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia, there are currently 370,000 representatives of Latvian diaspora living abroad. The life of the Latvian diaspora has been studied widely from the perspective of sociology, political science, and anthropology. Educational programs have been created for the youth of the diaspora, and teachers have been trained. The research focus of this project is the question of the relationship between languages, texts, and identity in the texts produced by Latvians in English.

The project is a part of:

Project No "Internal and External Consolidation of the University of Latvia" of the second round of the Consolidation and Governance Change Implementation Grants within Investment "Research, Development and Consolidation Grants" under Reform 5.2.1.r "Higher Education and Science Excellence and Governance Reform" of Reform and Investment Strand 5.2 of the Latvian Recovery and Resilience Mechanism Plan "Ensuring Change in the Governance Model of Higher Education Institutions".